Monday, April 11, 2005

Land Use - The San Francisco Bay's Coastline

Some 7 million residents in nine counties, Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, Solano, and Sonoma counties surround either the San Francisco Bay or San Pablo Bay. Additional details on the Bay Area on Wikipedia.

Some of the cities within these counties have coastal land uses that take advantage of the coast, while others have coastal land uses that are coincidental to the coast. Mountain View in the South Bay has extensive parklands and the Shoreline concert venue built on coastal landfill. San Mateo in the mid Peninsula is enhancing parklands. Other cities however haven't been viewing the Bay as an asset. Take the city of Redwood City - a new 12 building complex of 5 story office buildings provides good views to the people in the offices, but offers no benefit for any other city residents or visitors.

More to come...


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